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Career In Neuroscience In India

By Career Oppt / Medical PG / 21 September, 2017 / 1213

There is a small area of cross section between the passive aggresive people who sometimes have an irrestible urge to slice open someone’s brain to see how much turd they have been storing there and the people who have an immense passion for studying medical science. If you identify yourself as belonging to that eclipsing area, then a career in neuroscience might be just your perfect cup of tea.

What’s the deal with neuroscience?

Neuroscience is that discipline in medical science where one studies the development, functioning and structure of nervous system. The focus in this field of study remains around the brain and its influences on an individual’s behaviour and thinking process.Students of neuroscience also learn how disorders of the following kinds- neurological, psychiatric or neurodevelopmental -affect the nervous system.

Neuroscience is a highly interdisciplinary subject as it deals with the nervous system both at the physical and psychological or behavioural level. It requires an understanding of an array of subjects like Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Anatomy, and Physiology and even engineering and technology.

Different Branches of Neuroscience

The subject is so complex in itself that it further narrows down to few sub divisions like-

  • Affective neuroscience
  • Behavioural neuroscience
  • Cellular neuroscience
  • Clinical neuroscience
  • Cognitive neuroscience
  • Neurophysiology
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Paleoneurology and many more.

Education opportunities in India

In India, even though the scope in neuroscience is lagging behind by a lot of distance when compared to the likes of USA and UK, yet there are a lot of institutions that offer M.Tech, MS and PhD programs in Neuroscience. Some of them are-

  • Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bangalore (offering PhD in Neuroscience)
  • Madras University (offering MSc in Neuroscience)
  • IIT Gandhinagar (offering MSc in Cognitive Science)

Can you enroll for MSc in Neuroscience?

The answer is yes if you are a legitimate Bachelors Degree graduate with any of the subjects among Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, and neurobiology, Neuroscience or Zoology, together with Chemistry.

Apart from these, if you are an MBBS or BTech graduate, you are eligible for applying as well.

The programme is of two years in India.

Career Prospect

Coming to the main concern of this post, let’s talk about jobs after MSc Neuroscience is completed. This field of study offers both medical and nonmedical jobs choices.

The medical prospects like neurosurgeon, neurophysician, neurologist or neuro-ophthalmologist require super specialization in the corresponding subspecialties.

The non medical profession choices in the allied fields include radiographers performing CT, MRI; Biostatistician; Teacher; Neural Engineer to name a few.


One of the biggest upside of a career in the field of neuroscience is the prospect of a high salary. For an individual with a degree of MSc Neuroscience, salary in India is almost a third of what the USA offers to its neuroscientists. Depending on the employer and the experience of the employee, the remuneration may vary but the median monthly earnings of a well-experienced neuroscientist in the USA is around USD 20,000. So that makes a neuroscientist’s salary in India amount to, on an average, USD 6500 a month, which is equal to INR 400000.

So if you are interested in studying the weird wiring of the brain and squiggly wiggly nervous system and explore all its complex workings or maybe just have a weird fetish for splitting open people’s skull and do stuff with their brains without being chased by the police, then this is it for you! Go ahead comrade-a mind blowing future awaits you (pun intended)!

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